If you are looking for a premium cigar that offers a smooth and satisfying smoking experience, you might want to check out the Partagas Aliados LCDH Cigar. This exclusive cigar is only available at La Tienda de Cigarros, a certified Habanos Specialist store that sells authentic Cuban cigars online.
The Partagas Aliados LCDH Cigar is a medium-bodied cigar that features a blend of aged Cuban tobaccos from the Vuelta Abajo region. The wrapper is a dark and oily maduro leaf that adds a touch of sweetness and complexity to the flavor profile. The cigar has a ring gauge of 50 and a length of 140 mm, making it a robusto size that can be enjoyed for about an hour.
The Partagas Aliados LCDH Cigar delivers a rich and balanced smoke that showcases the classic Partagas character. You can expect notes of wood, leather, spice, coffee, and nuts, with click here a hint of earthiness and pepper in the background. The cigar has a smooth draw and a consistent burn, providing a pleasant and relaxing smoking experience.
The Partagas Aliados LCDH Cigar is a limited edition cigar that was created for La Casa del Habano stores in 2019. It is part of the Aliados series, which features cigars from different Habanos brands that are exclusive to LCDH stores. The Partagas Aliados LCDH Cigar is a rare and exquisite cigar that is sure to impress any aficionado.
If you want to buy the Partagas Aliados LCDH Cigar online, you can order it from La Tienda de Cigarros, the best place to buy Cuban cigars online. La Tienda de Cigarros offers fast and secure shipping, competitive prices, and excellent customer service. You can also browse their wide selection of other Cuban cigars, accessories, and gifts. Don't miss this opportunity to get your hands on the Partagas Aliados LCDH Cigar, a cigar that is only available at La Tienda de Cigarros.